Covenant Enforcement

Vista Lakes Community Association Covenants Enforcement Procedures 
January 15, 2019
Fining Procedures for Vista Lakes Community Association Starting February 15, 2019
If you have not received a copy of your community documents, they can be found here.  We suggest all homeowners and residents download and review the Architectural Guidelines and Rules and Regulations as it applies to you. If you are not in compliance with any of the items, the following will occur:
  1. Courtesy Letter - You will receive a letter allowing 15 days to correct the violation.
  2. Second & Final Notice - A second notice, serving as the Final Warning, will be sent to the Owner stating the same violation details as previously communicated, and including fifteen (15) additional days to correct the violation.
  3. Fining Notice - If the violation is not brought into compliance within the allotted time frame set forth in the Final Warning, intent to fine notification will be sent to the violator informing him or her of the violation, the fine amount and a hearing date and time. At least fourteen (14) days’ notice will be provided to the violator of a hearing before the Fining/Suspension Committee.
  4. Mediation Session - As required by HOA By-laws Section 3.23, a mediation session shall be offered prior to the hearing date, which session the violator may accept or reject.
  5. Fining/Suspension Hearing – Both parties given opportunity to present and defend. Committee reaches decision as to fining, waiving or allowing additional time to correct the violation.
  6. Fining recommendations - Submitted to the Board from the Covenant Enforcement Committee.
  7. Board - Notifies Unit owner of the fine and or suspension of rights. Committee reaches decision as to fining, waiving or allowing additional time to correct the violation. Last Resort - The Board may exercise their option to force compliance in any such action, to the maximum extent permissible, the Owner or occupant responsible for the violation of which abatement is sought shall pay all costs, including reasonable attorney's fees actually incurred.
  8. Once all steps are followed, case is closed when compliance is met.
Fining rates are $100 per violation, per day up to $1000.
Violations, Fines, and/or Towing are to be implemented as of March 1, 2019 in accordance with Vista Lakes Community Association By - Laws and City Ordinances*
  • Vehicles of residents and their guests are to be parked in garages and driveways at all times
  • Visitors are permitted to park on the streets up to 6 hours maximum.
  • Non-operational vehicles are prohibited on streets and driveways.
  • Commercial vehicles are prohibited on any visible property (street or driveway) for any reason except service at that specific time for the address it is parked in front of.
  • No cars are allowed to park 30 feet from any intersection or 5 feet from any driveway*
Towing - Any cars parked on the street after 12:00a.m midnight Monday - Thursday & 2:00 am Friday - Sunday without a valid Guest Pass may be towed at the owner’s expense and/or issued a violation/fine.  Towing Company information shall be posted at the entrance of each community where towing applies.
Guest Passes (valid for visitors only) must be obtained by the owner/resident by logging in to the Parking Boss database.  The website has been active since March 1, 2019. Owners/residents must register all resident vehicles prior to requesting a Guest Pass for a visitor. Homeowners are allotted seven overnight passes per household per month to be used individually or consecutively. The use of passes will be monitored closely to avoid abuse of this privilege. The VLCA Board has the option to limit or adjust the process of the Guest Passes at any time.
A parking violation occurs when any car parked in front of your house is not in accordance with Vista Lakes HOA Bylaws or City Ordinances. All violations/fines will be issued to the Unit Owner of which the car is parked in front of.
Fining rates are $100 per violation, per vehicle, per day up to $1,000