For a list of all 14 neighborhoods and to contact your neighborhood rep, click here.
What does a Neighborhood Representative do?
The formal responsibilities of the Neighborhood Representatives are spelled out in the Governing Documents (please see paragraph 6.3 of the Declaration of Master Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Vista Lakes for more information); however, the two major ones are:
To elect residents to the Board of Directors of the Vista Lakes Community Association (VLCA) – with each Representative casting as many votes as there are residences in his or her neighborhood
To chair the neighborhood’s Neighborhood Committee, and represent the Committee to the Board of Directors.
But being a Neighborhood Representative is more than merely electing the Board, and there is more that Representatives should do to help their neighborhoods. In fact, they can be considered as the glue that holds neighborhoods together. This can be done in a variety of ways, including: creating a neighborhood email distribution list to help neighborhood communication; holding occasional neighborhood meetings; getting Neighborhood Watch started (if it hasn’t been already); soliciting candidates for, and holding elections for a Neighborhood Committee; and through the Committee, identifying neighborhood needs and concerns and taking them to the Board of Directors; and organizing neighborhood events such as block parties.
How are Neighborhood Representatives elected?
Each neighborhood has its own neighborhood representative. Each spring an application is mailed out in the newsletter and placed online for anyone who would like be considered to volunteer as their neighborhood representative. To be a neighborhood representative candidate, you must be a homeowner within the neighborhood in which you are applying. Once you fill out the application either online or via mail, you will be confidant valid candidate to run for the neighborhood representative. If there is no opposing candidates, you will be automatically elected. Your term is for one year. If there is more than one candidate for a particular neighborhood, there will be ballots mailed to each homeowner within that neighborhood where they will choose one of the candidates.
I have an issue in my neighborhood – can the Representative help?
Perhaps. Contact your Representative and discuss it. Of course, you can always contact a Vista Lakes manager or Board member directly, but issues affecting a number of neighbors or that are identified by the Neighborhood Committee may get more visibility when they are officially presented to the Board by your Neighborhood Representative.